Every lesbian who is up to date with their television should have watched, or at least heard of, TNT's smash-hit TV show, Rizzoli & Isles.

The show is based on books by Tess Gerritsen and stars the lovely Angie Harmon (left) and the increasingly perfect Sasha Alexander (right).
However, if you do watch the show, you'll notice that there's a lot of something fans like to call "lesbian sub-text" going on. If you want to know more, read Dorothy Snarker's R&I recaps. (Click!)
Basically, think Xena & Gabrielle. But better. And hotter. (Unpopular opinion? I don't care).
Anyway, if you watch and you're gay (and probably even if you're straight!), you'll notice a lot of little things - loving glances, queer references in some of the characters' dialogue... We've even been subject to a little ass-slapping, bed sharing and going "undercover" in a lesbian bar.
If you watch it, I want to know your opinions. Will Rizzoli & Isles ever become more than just best friends? Should they get together at all? Or should it be kept at a lesbian sub-text level?
If you don't watch it, I suggest you do. You won't regret it. Mainly because Sasha Alexander is the cutest thing ever.
US viewers can see Rizzoli & Isles every Monday at 10/9c on TNT. UK viewers can watch the show from the beginning this September on Alibi.
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→Rizzoli & Isles: Will They Or Won't They?
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